Integrate & Use BackNine Anywhere.

Applied/EZLynx Applied Users now have access to a powerful tool that provides life , long term care and other products with every P&C quote. Learn how the free, easy to use tool can generate more commission income without interruption of your current P&C business processes.

Utilize our no cost HawkSoft integration via our simple plug-in tools to drive life insurance leads and applications without interruption of your daily property casualty business activities.

Utilize our no cost InsuranceGig integration which allows you to start and pre-fill Quote & Apply eApps within Insurance Gig.
MedicarePro CRM

Utilize our no cost MedicarePro CRM integration which allows you to start and pre-fill Quote & Apply eApps within MedicarePro CRM. Get started by enabling the integration within MedicarePro CRM.

Utilize our no cost integration within NowCerts. This allows you to see life insurance rates within NowCerts and launch Quote & Apply™ pre-filled with your client's information.
Utilize our no cost integration by logging into Redtail > Integrations > select the gear icon next to the BackNine integration > enter your NPN. This allows you to pre-fill the application using a Contact's information.

Utilize our no cost Vertafore AMS360 and PL Rating integrations allowing you to see life insurance rates within AMS360 and PL Rating and launch Quote & Apply™ pre-filled with your client's information.

BackNine's life and long-term care platform insurance platform is a simplified way to compare and apply with over 81 highly rated insurance companies. Track the transaction from submission to commission and retain the policy image for current and future planning. Advisors who prefer to not handle the application may use our White Glove Service Team.
You can receive Case and Quote & Apply™ application data through Zapier. Zapier has over 2,000 integrations to make it easier for you to take Case and Quote & Apply™ application data and integrate it with other Zapier integrations.